Results for 'Ashraf I. Sadek'

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  1.  36
    The Amethyst Mining Inscriptions of Wadi el Hudi, Part I-Text.Virginia Lee Davis & Ashraf I. Sadek - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (4):791.
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  2. Kayfa naqraʼ al-falsafah?: al-Muʼtamar al-Dawlī al-Awwal, 7-8 Nūfimbir 2015, Qāʻat al-Nadwāt, Kullīyat al-Ādāb: abḥāth kuttāb al-muʼtamar.Ḥarbī ʻAbbās ʻAṭītū, Ṣafāʼ ʻAbd al-Salām ʻAlī Jaʻfar, Māhir ʻAbd al-Qādir Muḥammad ʻAlī & Ashraf Manṣūr (eds.) - 2015 - [Alexandria]: Jāmiʻat al-Iskandarīyah, Kullīyat al-Ādāb.
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  3. (1 other version)Walter Benjamin: Time and justice.Ashraf Noor - 2007 - Naharaim - Zeitschrift Für Deutsch-Jüdische Literatur Und Kulturgeschichte 1 (1).
  4.  15
    La mémoire, l'histore, l'oubli: A Symposium with Paul Ricœur. Part I: Prefatory Remarks.Ashraf Noor - 2007 - Naharaim 1 (2):214-215.
    Early in the year 2000, Paul Mendes-Flohr suggested to me that we invite Paul Ricœur to Jerusalem to engage in discussions with the researchers of the Rosenzweig Centre. At the time, Paul Mendes-Flohr, Maria Diemling, and I were participating in a Sonderforschungsbereich on Jewish and Christian thought, in collaboration with Bonn University. We considered that Ricœur's work on hermeneutics and his studies of history and memory coupled with his interest in the philosophy of religion had much in common with our (...)
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    İlmü'l-âfâk ve'l-enfüs =.Muḥammad ibn Ashraf Samarqandī - 2020 - İstanbul: Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı. Edited by Yusuf Okşar & İsmail Yürük.
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  6. Breastfeeding and diarrhoea mortality in southern Brazil.C. G. Victora, P. G. Smith, F. Jalil, I. Adlerberth, R. Ashraf, B. Carlsson, S. R. Khan, J. Karlberg, B. S. Lindblad & L. Mellander - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science. Supplement 10 (2):132-42.
  7. Mavā ʻiẓ-i ḥasanah.Ashraf ʻAlī Thānvī - 1963
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  8. Ādāb-i zindagī: cār kitābon̲ kā majmūʻah.Ashraf ʻAlī Thānvī - 1971 - Milne kā patah, Lāhaur: Idārah-yi Islāmiyāt.
    Ḥuqūq al-Islām.--Ḥuqūq al-vālidain.--Ādāb al-maʻ̄ashirat.--Ag̲h̲lāt̤ al-ʻulūm.
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    Naẓarīyat al-maʻrifah bayna Kānṭ wa-Hūsarl: dirāsah fī al-uṣūl al-Kānṭīyah lil-fīnūmīnūlūjiyā.Ashraf Manṣūr - 2016 - ʻĀbidīn, al-Qāhirah: Ruʼyah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Rehashing the moral-conventional distinction: perceived harm marks the border.Fatima H. Sadek - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Turiel and colleagues divided norms into two kinds: Moral norms and conventional norms. Moral norms are universal, concerned with welfare, justice, fairness, equality and/or rights, and rule/authority independent. Conventional norms are local, rule/authority dependent, and concerned with maintaining social coordination, preserving tradition, and avoiding punishment. This account has been challenged, and the existence of a crisp distinction remains debatable. In this paper, I defend a version of the moral/conventional distinction on the basis that people generally judge norms concerned with welfare (...)
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    es-Sahâifü'l-İlâhiyye.Muḥammad ibn Ashraf Samarqandī - 2017 - Çankaya, Ankara: Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi. Edited by Ramazan Biçer & Muḥammad ibn Ashraf Samarqandī.
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  12. Radical Islamic Democracy.Karim Sadek - 2020 - International Journal of Political Theory 4 (1):32-53.
    Can democracy be at once radical and Islamic? In this paper I argue that it can. My argument is based on a comparison and contrast of certain aspects in the social-political thought of two contemporary authors: Axel Honneth who defends a particular conception of radical democracy, and Rached al-Ghannouchi who defends a particular conception of the Islamic state. I begin with Honneth’s early articulation of his model of radical democracy as reflexive cooperation, which he presents as an alternative that reconciles (...)
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  13. Arvāḥ o anfas aur ʻavālam Ilāhiyah: iṣālat-i rūḥ, baqāʼe rūḥ..K̲h̲airuddīn Ashraf - 1998 - Karācī: Bahāʼī Pablishang Ṭrasṭ Pākistān.
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    Bishārāt al-ishārāt fī sharḥ al-Ishārāt wa-al-tanbīhāt lil-Shaykh al-Raʼīs Abī ʻAlī Ḥusayn ibn ʻAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā.Muḥammad ibn Ashraf Samarqandī - 2021 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Mīrās̲-i Maktūb. Edited by ʻAlī Awjabī, Muḥammad Bāhir & Avicenna.
    al-juzʼ al-awwal. Fī al-manṭiq.-- al-juzʼ al-thānī wa-al-thālith. Fī al-ṭabīʻīyāt wa-al-ilāhīyāt.
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    Introduction to world philosophies: a chronological progression.Mirza Iqbal Ashraf - 2007 - New York: iUnivers.
    The pursuit of knowledge has remained perennial since mankind's earliest days. A born thinker, philosopher, scientist, and discoverer, man has addressed many questions at the very center of life. In attempting to answer such questions, thinkers and philosophers have set forth many convincing (and conflicting) hypotheses, but all agree that achieving knowledge is the route to answering them. In Introduction to World Philosophies: A Chronological Progression, Mirza I. Ashraf describes perplexing philosophies in a simple style. He presents the central (...)
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  16. Ḥaz̤rat Thānvī kī zindagī, uṣūl aur naṣīḥaten̲.Ashraf ʻAlī Thānvī - 2001 - Devband: Vāṣif Kampiyūṭar Sainṭar. Edited by Muḥammad Nāṣir Asārah.
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  17. (1 other version)I Will Hurt You for This, When and How Subordinates Take Revenge From Abusive Supervisors: A Perspective of Displaced Revenge.Li Hongbo, Muhammad Waqas, Hussain Tariq, Atuahene Antwiwaa Nana Abena, Opoku Charles Akwasi & Sheikh Farhan Ashraf - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Abusive supervision, defined as subordinates’ perception of the extent to which supervisors engage in the sustained display of hostile verbal and non-verbal behaviors, excluding physical contact, is associated with various negative outcomes. This has made it easy for researchers to overlook the possibility that some supervisors regret their bad behavior and express remorse for their actions. Hence, we know little about how subordinates react to the perception that their supervisor is remorseful and how this perception affects the outcomes of supervisors’ (...)
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  18. Ansāb al-ashrāf by Aḥmad B. Yaḥyā B. Jābir al-Balādhurī, Vol. VIBAnsab al-ashraf by Ahmad B. Yahya B. Jabir al-Baladhuri, Vol. VIB. [REVIEW]Lawrence I. Conrad, Aḥmad B. Yaḥyā B. Jābir al-Balādhurī, Khalil Athamina & Ahmad B. Yahya B. Jabir al-Baladhuri - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (4):733.
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    Mâtürîdî-Hanefî Aidiyetin Osmanlı’daki İzdüşümleri = Projections of Māturīdite-Ḥanafite Identity on the Ottomans.Mehmet Kalaycı - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):9-70.
    Māturīdism is an Ottoman identity and this identity was not limited, as is commonly believed, to the last period of the Empire. It maintained its formal existence throughout the Ottoman history. Nevertheless, the context in which the Māturīdism was located or with which it was associated changed in the course of time. In the early period when the eclectic way of thinking was dominant, Māturīdism as a creed was apparent mainly in the jurists whose ascetic identity was prominent and partly (...)
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    Aṭrāfs as a Method of Classification (Taṣnīf) and Inclusion (Takhrīj).Fatih Mehmet Yilmaz - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):345-366.
    Ḥadīths have been preserved and recorded in various ways since the Companions. These activities continued dur-ing the Tābiīn (the successors of the Companions) Period. So much so that these methods have formed the infra-structure of other methods that will emerge later. In this context, before the 70's (A.H.), works named al-Aṭrāf appeared. However, these first works consisted of the notes that they wrote some of the ḥadīths before coming to the science assemblies to help students remember in ḥadīth learning. Ḥadīth (...)
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    Scepticism about Unconscious Perception is the Default Hypothesis.I. Phillips - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (3-4):186-205.
    Berger and Mylopoulos (2019) critique recent scepticism about unconscious perception, focusing on experimental work from Peters and Lau, and theoretical work of my own. Central to their wide-ranging discussion is the claim that unconscious perception occupies a default status within both experimental and folk psychology. Here, I argue to the contrary that a conscious-perception-only model should be our default. Along the way, I offer my own analysis of Peters and Lau's study, assess the folk psychological status of unconscious perception, discuss (...)
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    In the Ottoman Empire Abu Bakr Ahmad b. Muhammad Ibn al-Jazari (Ibn al-Nāzim), one of the pioneering figures of the science of Qiraat: Life, Works and Scholarly Personality.Resul Akcan - 2025 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (2):133-150.
    This study focuses on the life, works, scholarly personality and place of Abu Bakr Ahmad, one of the pioneers of the science of Qiraat in the Ottoman Empire. Abū Bakr Aḥmad was the son of Ibn al-Jazari, one of the authoritative figures in the science of Qiraat, and the author is called Ibn al-Nāzim after his father. Abū Bakr Aḥmad is an important figure who came to the forefront in the field of Qiraat by being educated by the leading scholars (...)
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  23. Veshchi, svoĭstva i otnoshenii︠a︡.A. I. Uemov - 1963 - Moskva,: Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR.
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  24. Dām-i shuʻūr =.Sayyid ʻAbdullāh Ḥurumzaʼī - 2012 - [Karachi]: Siṭī Buk Poāʼinṭ.
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  25. Predicate Logic (with Anaphora).I. I. I. Sem - unknown
    D2.1 (PL models and assignments) i. A PL model is a pair M = 〈DM, ·M〉 such that (a) DM is a non-empty set, and (b) ·M maps each A ∈ Con to AM ∈ DM, and each B ∈ Prdn to BM  (DM)n. ii. GM = {g| g: Var  DM} is the set of M-assignments. For any g ∈ GM, u ∈ Var, d ∈ DM, g[u/d] := (g\{u, g(u)})  {u, d} is the u-to-d alternative to (...)
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  26. (3 other versions)The Fire and the Sun. Why Plato Banished the Artists.I. Murdoch - 1979 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 41 (2):317-318.
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  27. How can we Revive the Study of Greek. I.J. I. Bennett - 1907 - Classical Weekly 1:146.
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  28. Karl Marx: His Life and Environment.I. Berlin - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (61):96-97.
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  29. Ontology and Providence in Creation: Taking Ex Nihilo Seriously.I. T. Robson - 2010 - Ars Disputandi 10.
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    Evreĭskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ i kabbala: Istorii︠a︡, problemy, vlii︠a︡nii︠a︡ = Jewish philosophy and kabbalah history, concepts, and influences.K. I︠U︡ Burmistrov - 2013 - Moskva: Institut filosofii RAN.
  31. Yŏksa ch'ŏrhak: hana ŭi immun.Chae-hŭi Ch'oe - 1975 - Sŏul: Ch'ŏngnimsa.
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    ¿Creació temporal o "Ab AETERNO"? Maimònides, entre els metafísics i la teologia jueva.Josep Manuel Udina I. Cobo - 2004 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 17:3.
  33. Is light in pictures presumed to come from the left side.I. Christopher McManus, Joseph Buckman & Euan Woolley - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 33--12.
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    Rāghib Iṣfahānī: zindagī va ās̲ār-i ū.ʻAlī Mīr Lawḥī - 2007 - Iṣfahān: Sāzmān-i Farhangī Tafrīḥī-i Shahrdārī-i Iṣfahān.
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    Davnʹorusʹke li︠u︡bomudrii︠e︡: teksty i konteksty.O. Vdovyna & I︠U︡ Zavhorodniĭ (eds.) - 2006 - Kyïv: Vydavnychyĭ dim "Kyi︠e︡vo-Mohylia︡nsʹka akademii︠a︡".
  36.  1
    Lettres sur le christianisme de M. J.-J. Rousseau, adressées à M. I. L., par Jacob Vernes,..Jacob Vernes & L. I. - 1764 - E. Blanc.
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  37. (1 other version)Boĭ absoli︠u︡tno neizbezhen": istoriko-filosofskie ocherki o knige V.I. Lenina "Materializm i ėmpiriokritit︠s︡izm.A. I. Volodin - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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    Love: its forms, dimensions, and paradoxes.İlham Dilman - 1998 - New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press.
    If there is an inherent connection between love and generosity, between love and creativeness, as this book argues there is, then how can love itself be selfish, destructive and tyrannical? Concerned with questions about love in its different forms, this book seeks and discusses the views of writers--Plato, Proust, Sartre, Freud, D. H. Lawrence, Erich Fromm, C. S. Lewis, Kierkegaard, Simone Weil and Kahlil Gibran--who have suggested distinctive solutions to the problems which love poses in the face of its obstacles. (...)
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  39. Kromka khaosa: slozhnoe myshlenie i setʹ: paradigma nelineĭnosti i sreda bezopasnosti XXI veka.Rachʹi︠a︡ Arzumani︠a︡n - 2012 - Moskva: Regnum.
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    Na mez︠h︡i butti︠a︡: filosofii︠a︡ konechnosti li︠u︡dsʹkoho butti︠a︡ ta etyka = Na predele bytii︠a︡: filosofii︠a︡ konechnosti chelovecheskogo bytii︠a︡ i ėtika = On the verge of existence: philosophy of finiteness of human existence and ethics.I︠E︡vhen Muli︠a︡rchuk - 2012 - Kyïv: Instytut filosofiï imeni H.S. Skovorody.
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  41. Chelovek: mnogomernostʹ diskursivnykh praktik: materialy Rossiĭskoĭ nauchnoĭ konferent︠s︡ii "Chelovek: sot︠s︡iokulʹturnye praktiki, modeli i i︠a︡zyki opisanii︠a︡": Syktyvkar, 8-9 dekabri︠a︡ 1998 g.B. M. Zavʹi︠a︡lov (ed.) - 1998 - Syktyvkar: Syktyvkarskiĭ gos. universitet.
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  42. Interpretation in Teaching.I. A. Richards - 1939 - Mind 48 (190):227-236.
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    Fizicheskai︠a︡ sushchnostʹ zhizni i nachala teorii organizovannykh sistem.M. I. Shterenberg - 2003 - Moskva: Novyĭ vek.
    kn. 1. Vechnye voprosy v svete nauki, filosofii religii.
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  44. Journals and New Books.I. Madison Bentley - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (11):305.
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    La renaissance de la philosophie en France.I. Benrubi - 1911 - Atti Del IV Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 2:182-187.
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  46. Notes and News.I. Madison Bentley - 1906 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 3 (11):307.
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  47. Philosophische Strömungen in Frankreich.I. Benrubi - 1928 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 106:312-313.
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  48. The Memory Image and its Qualitative Fidelity.I. M. Bentley - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9:217.
  49. The Psychology of Mental Arrangement.I. M. Bentley - 1902 - Philosophical Review 11:530.
  50.  12
    V e congrès international de progrès religieux.I. Benrubi - 1911 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 19 (6):920 - 937.
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